Artist: Horst Hittenberger
Medium: Oil on stretched canvas
Size: 11"x 14"
Artist's blog: http://horsthittenberger.blogspot.com/
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Lela Stankovic
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Book: Painting Glorious Rose Flowers in Watercolor – in 7 Stages
Wow Horst, you've gone an extra mile that pays off. It's lovely. I love it
Wonderful painting! I'm taking a still life class this semester, so I'm always in awe of people who do these so well. Lovely work!
Really nice composition, Horst. Tells the whole story... and I love the colors. Very nice painting!
Fantastic work, Horst. As usual, you have set the bar!!!
Nice composition Horst. Very nice
You outdid yourself Horst! Really nice!
Having a coffee mill is a great idea Horst! I was thinking on similar lines too, to do my painting!:-) Very nice work!
Thanks to everyone for the nice comments (my head is starting to swell)
Lovely Horst, So nice how the other elements of the painting still stand down to the center of interest. Well done.
Very nice, Horst. The still life needed just that extra something and you did just that.
very nice Horst,love it.
1) Composition: Horst, this is absolutely stunning composition. It tells the story, it grabs the attention and makes the viewer dream and remember that "best coffee" she has ever had in her life.
2) Color harmony: The colors sing with each other very well. One element that might qualify for rethinking is the purple coffee cup. Probably that purple could have been repeated in some other areas not to be there on its own alone. Another suggestion ... If it was me, I would have probably pushed the background behind the mill much darker to have needed full value scale and introduce more dramatic appearance.
3) Aerial prospective: Horst you have chosen very appropriate front and back colors to communicate the distance, relative position of the elements, what is close and and what is far away. There is one area that caused a little confusion for me. The coffee mill ... It look like sitting on a small hill comparing the test of the painting.
4) 3D Form: There is a great sense for value relation, lines & shadows. The coffee jar is very well rendered, coffee pot as well (non intrusive) ... when I come to the coffee mill I am getting a little confused where the light is coming from. The bottom side clearly speaks of "left top", however the reflections on the top metal part are saying "right top". the rest of the painting communicates "left top" light source.
5) Texture: It is great. The focus of attention reads as a "porcelain jar". The rest is not the focus of attention and does not need too much detail - exactly as you painted it.
Horst, I agree with everyone, you do set the bar high for everyone at PADT. Thank you for inspiring this creative and motivational flow among the artists at PADT.
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