Artist: Horst Hittenberger
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Lela Stankovic
Website: lelacreations.com
Book: Painting Glorious Rose Flowers in Watercolor – in 7 Stages
Wonderful work Horst. I particularly like how you did the green/yellow leaves and the shiny reflectiveness of the table top. Very lifelike!
I'm always amazed at how one creates the shine...........beautiful.
So delicious and absolutely beautiful!
thank you,
Beatuifully done, Horst. I like the way you softened that back edge of your table and showed the light in the background color. Your apple really gets the attention it's due.
Horst, as usual, it's a perfection!
It's wonderful, it glows!
You're always so fast and so good, Horst. Sehr schön!
Horst - you never disappoint. This is an absolutely lovely painting, and masterfully done. I especially like the transparency of your shadows.
Horst, Of course another beautiful painting as is expected of you. You set a high standard.
Horst I am so glad you participate at PADT and paint those wonderful paintings. It is another great execution without any doubt. I love it.
However, I know you can do better :). I would like to encourage you to go further since I am absolutely convinced you can do it. Knowing that you definitely want to hear it I am going to analyze your painting millimeter by millimeter and try to provide useful feedback. All with the best possible intention … your advancement.
Background – It is perfectly rendered (as per the photograph). However, it does not give the sense of space, the air behind the apple. I noticed you painted left side lighter, which is a step in the right direction, however it needs a little more of it. All is about values, grayness and edges around the objects.
Table top – here all looks great. The left side is lighter and brighter indicating the light is coming from that side. The right side is darker and toned down influenced by the cool light source on the right side.
Leaves – all perfectly rendered, however … What I am missing is reflected light in the cast shadows. Please look at bigger yellow leaf. It has cast shadow from the smaller yellow leaf. This is not plain, non transparent shadow. It has yellow light in it getting illuminated from inside the cast shadow. The same is the case with cast shadow on the small barely visible portion on the green leaf. Second – transparency. The biggest top left leaf has backlight going through it. I can’t see that in the painting.
Apple – some edges need to be sharp, some soft. You perfectly painted core shadow and reflected light and highlights, but I am loosing sense of roundness and three dimensionality. It looks like values and grayness/vibrancy are to close to each other, preventing eye from seeing it as a round object.
If you agree or disagree, please let all know since only the artist know what was intended to be achieved. I am positive everyone would like to learn from our discussions. Thank you for letting me analyze your painting.
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