Thursday, January 29, 2015

Marie-Christine L – France

Artist: Marie-Christine L – France
Size: 18 x 25 cm
Medium & Support: Watercolor on hand made paper from Ruscombe paper mill
Artist Blog:
Artist Website:
Painting Technique:

Funny choice but I decided to use the paper “Azur de Turner”, cotton, flax, hemp, wove hand made by Ruscombe paper mill 240grams.
I first made a pencil drawing not looking at the photo but trying to create harmonious curves and drawing (N°1)
Then I made color samples on the paper’s back as it is the first time I use this paper. (N°2) I finally used a mix of new camboge and opera rose for the orange, new camboge, Payne’s grey, raw umber, burnt sienna, caput mortuum violet on dry paper. (N°3)
I discovered one has to paint “very lightly” on such a paper and not water it at all. I’m rather happy with the result (N°4)

Update (Feb 5, 2015): Pls see link to a new painting (Coffee Break #2) on the same subject by Marie-Christine:


renate said...

Hello Marie-Christine:) I just visited your blog and saw beautiful paintings. This one is not my favorite of your hand. Maybe it is because of the handmade paper, I don't know. Nice how you showed us how you build up the painting.

Géraldine Wilson said...

Je pense que vous ne maitrisez pas suffisamment les bases du dessin , ni celles de l'aquarelle pour aborder un tel sujet. Votre démarche est bonne: chercher les couleurs, tenter de trouver l'équilibre tant dans la composition que dans les couleurs et les valeurs, mais il vous faudrait un coup de pouce pour vous aider à proposer quelque chose de plus abouti.
Commencer par travailler le dessin, les valeurs au crayon puis aborder la peinture seulement dans un second temps.
Je vous encourage à poursuivre M Christine !!!!

Anonymous said...

Merci pour vos remarques constructives, bon diagnostic Géraldine ! Thanks for your comments Marie-Christine