Artist: Dianne Lanning
Medium: Watercolor on 300lb Arches paper
Size: 8 1/2" x 10 1/2"
Artist's blog: http://dianne-voicepainter.blogspot.com/
Size: 8 1/2" x 10 1/2"
Artist's blog: http://dianne-voicepainter.blogspot.com/
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Lela Stankovic
Website: lelacreations.com
Book: Painting Glorious Rose Flowers in Watercolor – in 7 Stages
I like the figs. The color is perfectly matched, the texture is almost there, the value relation is solid and accurate. I know exactly where the light is coming from.
What I am missing is a little more of texture and excitement in the table surface or background. Having both plain, single colored almost without any "fig colors" in them does not provide a color harmony.
But I think you achieve a vault shape with your background and it works fine from my point of view. Too much dark brown give a conspiracy feeling to your painting.
My remark would go to the shape of the left fig. A little to conical but as you painted with watercolor,let it be :))
I love the warmth of the background color with the figs, but agree that the table should be a different color for some contrast. Nice job - I found these figs challenging to paint.
I didn't know what Byannik meant by vault shape, but after really looking at your painting the figs do look like they are in a vault like precious jewels. I like it.
Hi Dianne, Thanks for allowing us to critique your beautiful work. Like Lela I would like to see a little more reflected color.On the table or even in the shadows. I think the back wall can work if there is a little more life painted in the table. It will really make a difference. I think the values on your figs really graduate nicely and I get the hint of the soft fuzz of the fig skins.
The background looks like leather. These must be manly figs! I like them, truly.
I like the figs alot. I understand what the others have said, and agree with most. Funny, the fig on the left made me think of the candy corn seen so often at Halloween. (love that candy corn, it's addictive!).
Thanks for all the feedback, it's incredibly helpful! I hadn't even noticed the table top not having anything in it. It does make it sort dead. I'm going to "crunch" the ideas for a bit and see what I can come up with. I got these transparent acrylic sheets so I can try changes without disasters. This is the TIME to try them. Again, thanks to everyone for your help!
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