Artist: Horst Hittenberger
A free collaborative project by artists for artists.
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(4) As a member you receive constructive advice for improvements and would be able to help by providing feedbacks on the works of fellow artists.
"Paint and Draw Together" really gives us a chance to learn from each other and advance in painting and drawing. I look forward to joining together with you in this
creative journey through the art world.
Join in now and lets have some fun!
Lela Stankovic
Website: lelacreations.com
Book: Painting Glorious Rose Flowers in Watercolor – in 7 Stages
Simply Beautiful. You outdid yourself.
Wow! Reminds me of a painting by Rembrandt that I saw in Metropolitan Museum, NY. It has many touches of the Old Masters.
Well, Horst - you certainly have set the bar pretty high! This is exquisite.
Wonderful Horst, this is absolutely beautiful.
Thank you, thank you, you are all to kind.
Horst you definitely achieved a highly realistic presentation of what was provided as a photo reference. I am so happy to see that starting from your previous “Baby Duck” painting your painting accomplishments are just getting better and better. Congratulations!
Now comes an interesting part … what is next … and could it be better? The answer to that question goes beyond provided photo reference. It will almost never be there. It is known that camera has its own limitations fueling a never ending discussion about using photos as a painting reference.
Enjoy your great accomplishment with this painting and just think about a special mood, emphasized light and shadow game, extremely soft edges to simulate “vanishing in the darkness” or sharp “pop-up” edges to emphasize happenings, feelings, intuitive suggestions and hidden messages for the viewer. I know all this sound as “philosophy” not “clear-to-follow” instructions, but you reached that stage and need to continue your journey.
Thanks Lea for the comments and constructive critique, I am ready for the trip ( oh' where is my ticket)
Horst, when I saw your painting on the sidebar of my blogspot, I thought it was Lela's photograph. It's painted perfectly. Lela's right, though, we all need to push ourselves beyond the photograph. That's the hardest part!
Horst, you get better and better ;)
No need to get a ticket to ride ;) jump in ;)
Very nearly a copy of the photograph without overwhelming with minutae. The tops of the figs are the best of the painting. Very well done.
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