Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Jean Nelson - Renaissance Figures

Artist: Jean Nelson
Medium:Acrylic on canvas
Size: 8" x 10"
Artist's blog:


Angela Sullivan said...

Jean hi and welcome to this blog. I love your use of yellows and the cool blue highlights. Your shadowing is right but it si kinda hard to critique due to possible camera glare? Also would help to be able to display a larger size. Hope to see you next month.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Very nice job on this - you got the textural qualities of the figs down quite well!

Cheri said...

natural colors and lots of texture in the figs, painted in the Renaissance style very realistic. Like it very much.

Paula said...

Despite the washout, the texture of your figs is just spot on. And stripes on, dents on, and wrinkles on. Great work!

Jean Nelson Paintings and Photography said...

Thank you all for your critiques. I loved this challenge of the figs. I did have trouble photographing this painting. I couldn't seem to get rid of the glare even with the flash off. The canvas is quite rough and may have picked up over head light. This was actually the best of several pics. The actual painting is darker and has - as Cheri noted, a Renaissance style.

Nan Johnson said...

I like the colors & textures you did in this. I have had trouble with photographing certain paintings of mine also. I usually take them outside & away from the indoor lights - but some, no matter what I do, arrrgghhh! I love your Renaissance style.